(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
The Asian House: Contemporary Houses of Southeast Asia - Robert Powell ($20, out of print, scarce)
Images of Nature: The Photographs of Thomas D. Mangelsen
The Natural Home (architecture/design, out of print)
A Garland for Girls - Louisa May Alcott
A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy - Miyamoto Musashi

The Complete Novels of Dashiell Hammett
Wilderness Rivers of Manitoba - Hap Wilson/Stephanie Aykroyd
The Rolling Stones: The First Twenty Years - ed. David Dalton
The History of Quebec: A Patriote's Handbook - Léandre Bergeron
Victory: 100 Great Military Commanders - Nigel Cawthorne
German Tanks of World War II - Hart/Hart (out of print)
The Nature of War - John Keegan/Joseph Darracott
The Serpent and the Rainbow - Wade Davis
Karl Marx: The Legacy - David McLellan
The Scottish Highlanders and Their Regiments - Michael Brander
Also new this week
The Small Rain, Madeleine L'Engle
Drink the Sky, Lesley Krueger (out of print)
A Complicated Kindness, Miriam Toews
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Mordecai Richler
Light in August, William Faulkner (hardcover Modern Library)
War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy
Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
The Death of Ivan Ilych and other stories, Leo Tolstoy
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy, Jostein Gaarder
Good King Harry, Denise Giardina
Girl with a Pearl Earring, Tracy Chevalier
Lonesome Dove, Larry McMurtry
In the Heat of the Night, John Ball (out of print)
The English Patient, Anthony Minghella (screenplay, out of print)
Meriwether: A novel of Meriwether Lewis and the Lewis and Clark Expedition, David Nevin
On Beulah Height, Reginald Hill
Mrs. Malory and No Cure for Death, Hazel Holt
Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card
This Alien Shore, C.S. Friedman
Footprints of Thunder, James David
The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury
Dryland's End, Felice Picano
The Eagles' Brood, Jack Whyte
the Gormenghast books, Mervyn Peake ($10, boxed set)
Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine
The Musician's Quest, George MacDonald
The Marquis' Secret, George MacDonald
Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie
The Strawberry Feast, Constance Savery
The Bobbsey Twins On Blueberry Island, Laura Lee Hope
The Stories of the Greeks, Rex Warner
Mysticism, Evelyn Underhill
Practicing the Presence, Joel Goldsmith
Jesus: A Historical Portrait, Daniel Harrington
The Life of Beatrice of Nazareth 1200-1268, trans. Roger De Ganck
The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (The Newman Book Shop, 1944)
Synopsis of the Books of the Bible, J.N. Darby (1948, complete in 5 vols.)
Major Bible Themes, Lewis Sperry Chafer
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Ludwig Wittgenstein
The Basic Writings of C.G. Jung
A Little Book on the Human Shadow, Robert Bly (essays)
The Edgar Cayce Reader
Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos: The Story of the Scientific Quest for the Secret of the Universe, Dennis Overbye
Nightwatch: An Equinox Guide to Viewing the Universe, Terence Dickinson
The Day the Universe Changed, James Burke
The First Eden: The Mediterranean World and Man, David Attenborough
DNA: The Secret of Life, James D. Watson
The Quirks and Quarks Question Book, Bob McDonald
Levitating Trains and Kamikaze Genes, Richard Brennan
Brain Fitness, Monique le Poncin (out of print)
The Brain, Richard Restak
Thing Feigned or Imagined: The Craft in Fiction, Fred Stenson
Not Simply Divine: Beneath the Makeup, Above the Heels, and Behind the Scenes with a Cult Superstar, Bernard Jay
Silenced: Working Class Caribbean Women as Domestic Workers in Canada, Makeda Silvera
No Gods No Masters: An Anthology of Anarchism Book One, Daniel Guérin
RESIST!: A Grassroots Collection, ed. Chang et al
A New World in Our Hearts: Eight Years of Writings from the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation
Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerrilla, Ann Hansen
Class Warfare, Noam Chomsky
On Power and Ideology, Noam Chomsky
The New Military Humanism: Lessons from Kosovo, Noam Chomsky
A Hard and Bitter Peace: A Global History of the Cold War, Judge/Langdon
The Complete Idiot's Guide to The Cold War, Robert Mann
A History of Roman Britain, Peter Salway
Amo, Amas, Amat and More: How to Use Latin to Your Own Advantage and to the Astonishment of Others, Eugene Ehrlich
Braude's Treasury of Wit and Humor
A New Treasury of Folk Songs, Tom Glazer
Wise Guy: Life in a Mafia Family, Nicholas Pileggi
Rowing Against the Current: On Learning to Scull at Forty, Barry Strauss
Debbie Travis' Painted House, Debbie Travis/Barbara Dingle
The Complete Book of Paint: A Sourcebook of Techniques, Finishes, Designs, and Projects
Home Decorating Basics: A Comprehensive Guide to Sewing for Your Home, Pamela Hastings
Designer Home Sewing, Linda Lee
Outdoor Survival Skills, The Department of the Air Force
Roland-Michel Barrin de La Galissonière 1693-1756, Lionel Groulx (English)
Thomas Scott's Body and Other Essays on Early Manitoba History, J.M. Bumsted
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"Don't ever seek to have fellowship with fallen angels; it may result in you becoming demonized!", Fellowship with the Fallen, Rev. Bill McLeod (Saskatoon)
Click here for the week of December 10/07
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