(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
The Case of the Missing Books: A Mobile Library Mystery - Ian Samson
Baby-Gami: Baby Wrapping for Beginners - Andrea Sarvady

Goldwyn: A Biography - Scott Berg

The Scottish World
Highland Clans and Tartans - R.W. Munro
History of Scotland - Cliff Hanley
Rudolph and Amina - Christopher Morley
The Lighthouse Book - Samuel Willard Crompton

Favorite Recipes of America
The Three Little Javelinas - Susan Lowell
All Join In - Quentin Blake
Also new this week
Gaze, Keith Cadieux (new book)
The Valedictorians, David Annandale (new book)
Telling My Love Lies, Keath Fraser
Camber: Selected Poems, Don McKay
The Laundromat Essay, Kyle Buckley (poetry)
Pronuncia i nomi/Say the Names, Al Purdy (poetry, Italian/English dual-language, out of print)
Alarum Within: Theatre Poems, Kimmy Beach
Nice Day for Murder: Poems for James Cagney, Kimmy Beach
Emergency Hallelujah, Jason Heroux (poetry)
The Basho Variations, Steve McCaffery (poetry)
Sunfall: New and Selected Poems, Dennis Cooley
Sleeping with the Dictionary, Harryette Mullen (poetry)
The Lay of the Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke, Rainer Maria Rilke (out of print)
American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis
A Gate at the Stairs, Lorrie Moore
Wide Open, Nicola Barker
Looking on Darkness, André Brink
Funeral Rites, Jean Genet (France, trans.)
Maltaverne, Francois Mauriac (France, trans.)
The Wall Jumper: A Berlin Story, Peter Schneider (Germany, trans.)
East, West, Salman Rushdie
Not Much Fun: The Lost Poems of Dorothy Parker
Throwaway Daughter, Ting-xing Ye
My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult
Antony and Cleopatra, Colleen McCullough
Cléopâtre la fatale, Hortense Dufour
Chambre obscure, Vladimir Nabokov (french)
Le blanc de la parole, Najib Redouane
Songes brisés, Najib Redouane
Don Juan et les moulins à vent, Pierre Lasry
Autophobia, Art Spiegelman
Avalanche: A Sheriff Bo Tully Mystery, Patrick McManus
The Company of Strangers, Robert Wilson
The Clue of the Inca Luck Piece: A Tom Quest Adventure, Fran Striker
Alexandria of Africa, Eric Walters
Black and White, Eric Walters
Bifocal, Eric Walters/Deborah Ellis
The Player of Games: A Culture Novel, Iain Banks
Sailing to Sarantium, Guy Gavriel Kay
The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories, Tim Burton
The Iron Man, Ted Hughes
Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays (out of print)
Moral Man and Immoral Society, Reinhold Niebuhr
Angels Elect and Evil, C. Fred Dickason
F.B. Meyer: A Biography, W.Y. Fullerton
Truth and Method, Hans-Georg Gadamer
I Don't Believe in Atheists, Chris Hedges
Non-Violent Resistance, M.K. Gandhi
The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell
The Order of Things: How Everything in the World is Organized, Barbara Ann Kipfer
The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830, Paul Johnson
The Creators: A History of Heroes of the Imagination, Daniel Boorstin
Greece in the Bronze Age, Emily Vermeule
The Greeks: A Great Adventure, Isaac Asimov
The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico, Bernal Diaz del Castillo
Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution, Simon Schama
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William Shirer
The Nightmare Years: 1930-1940, William Shirer
The Battle for History: Re-Fighting World War II, John Keegan
In My Brother's Image: Twin Brothers Separated by Faith after the Holocaust, Eugene Pogany
The Frogmen of Burma: The Story of the Sea Reconnaissance Unit, Lt. Commander Bruce Wright (scarce)
Teach Yourself Swahili, D.V. Perrott
Un trombone rouge, Kyle MacDonald
La Batarde: A Memoir, Violette Leduc (France, trans.)
West with the Night, Beryl Markham
Into the Blue: Family Secrets and the Search for a Great Lakes Shipwreck, Andrea Curtis
The Iron Rose: The Extraordinary Life of Charlotte Ross MD, Fred Edge (local history, out of print)
A Bit of a Legend in These Parts: The Life of Betty Berger Lessard, Neil McQuarrie (scarce)
A Passionate Pen: The Life and Times of Faith Fenton, Jill Downie
Autobiography of a Face, Lucy Grealy
La Prisonniere: Twenty Years in a Desert Gaol, Malika Oufkir
Freedom: The Story of My Second Life, Malika Oufkir
A Mighty Heart: The Brave Life and Death of My Husband Danny Pearl, Mariane Pearl
Oprah: A Biography, Kitty Kelley
The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls
Granny D: Walking Across America in My 90th Year, Doris Haddock
Our Story, the Quecreek Miners
An American Childhood, Annie Dillard
The Lost Continent: Travels in Small Town America, Bill Bryson
The Soloist, Steve Lopez
Flags of Our Fathers, James Bradley/Ron Powers
The Film 100: The Most Influential People in the History of the Movies, Scott Smith
Lynch on Lynch, ed. Chris Rodley
Weird Sex and Snowshoes and other Canadian Film Phenomena, Katherine Monk (out of print)
For the Birds: Nature Notes from a Woodland Studio, Linda Johns
The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating, Alisa Smith/J.B. MacKinnon
The Harrowsmith Cookbook: Volume I
Pennsylvania Dutch Fun, Folklore and Cooking, Mary Ann Horst (out of print)
Ultimate Vegetarian Cookbook, Paul Gayler
Vegetarian Times Complete Cookbook
The New Cranks Recipe Book, Nadine Abensur
Canadian Living Everyday Favourites Cookbook
It's Mainly Because of the Meat Cookbook, Dominion Foods
The Paradise Institute, Janet Cardiff/George Bures Miller (Plug In Gallery Winnipeg, 2001)
The Flying Bandit, Heather Robertson (Winnipeg history, scarce)
People Apart: Portrait of a Mennonite World in Waterloo County Ontario
Looking Back in Faith: Manitoba Mennonite Brethren 1888-1988
Brandon: A Prospect of a City, Mary Hume
Spruce, Swamp and Stone: A History of the Pioneer Ukrainian Settlements in the Gimli Area, Michael Ewanchuk (scarce)
Conspiracy of Silence, Lisa Priest (Helen Betty Osborne story)
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
Don Knotts says: "If I can do it, you can do it!"
Build and Repair with Concrete
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