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What people are saying:

Intellectually invigorating - R. Subramaniam, Bombay


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Sticklers, Sideburns and Bikinis: The Military Origins of Everyday Words and Phrases - Graeme Donald


50s Cars (Taschen)


In Cheap We Trust: The Story of a Misunderstood American Virtue - Lauren Weber (September 2009)


Electric Universe: The Shocking True Story of Electricity - David Bodanis


How to be Alone: Essays - Jonathan Franzen


The Paperback Book - Rick Mercer


Macbeth: High King of Scotland 1040-1057 - Peter Berresford Ellis (out of print)


Great Scots! How the Scots Created Canada - Matthew Shaw


Robert Bruce: King of Scots - James Mackay (out of print)


Lost Body - Aimé Césaire (poems)/Pablo Picasso (illustrations) (scarce)


But Even So: Picture Poems - Kenneth Patchen (out of print)


Robust, Ribald and Rude Verse in Australia - ed. Bill Wannan (out of print)


The Brilliant Career of Winnie-the-Pooh - Ann Thwaite (out of print)


Love You Forever - Robert Munsch


The Reader's Digest Children's Atlas of the Universe


Valentine and Orson - Nancy Ekholm Burkert


Frogs - David Badger

Also new this week



Peace Shall Destroy Many, Rudy Wiebe (hardcover)
Collected Poems, Philip Larkin
Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God (German-English text)
Shar: Hurricane Poem, Edward Kamau Brathwaite (very scarce, $20)
In John Updike's Room, Christopher Wiseman (poetry)
Wise Children, Angela Carter (out of print)
Hard Laughter, Anne Lamott
The Optimists, Andrew Miller
The Only Snow in Havana, Elizabeth Hay
Something to Declare, Julian Barnes
Summer in the Secret Sea, William Kotzwinkle
Everyman, Philip Roth
Yellow Dog, Martin Amis
The Bear Comes Home, Rafi Zabor
The Bronze Horseman and Other Poems, Alexander Pushkin
The Hive, Camilo José Cela (Spain, trans.)
The Spies of Warsaw, Alan Furst
DreadfulWater Shows Up, Thomas King
Naomi, Karmel Schreyer
A Singing Bird Will Come: Naomi in Hong Kong, Karmel Schreyer
An Ordinary Courage: Naomi in Indonesia, Karmel Schreyer
A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Madeleine L'Engle
The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in Five Parts, Douglas Adams (hardcover)
The Princess Bride, William Goldman
Vlad: The Last Confession, C.C. Humphreys
Sherlock Holmes vs. Dracula/Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Holmes, Dr. Watson/Loren Estleman
An Oxford Anthology of Ghost Stories, ed. Cox/Gilbert
Gitanjali: A Collection of Indian Songs, Rabindranath Tagore
Warlpiri Dreamings and Histories: Newly Recorded Stories from the Aboriginal Elders of Central Australia, trans. Peggy Rockman Napaljarri



The New Christianity: The Theology of the Canadian Social Gospel, Salem Bland (out of print)
A Prophet for Our Time: An Anthology of the Writings of Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum (out of print)
Merton: A Biography, Monica Furlong
John Knox, Lord Eustace Percy
The Thoughts of the Emperor, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
The Twelve Caesars, Suetonius
The Upanishads
Who Killed Homer? The Demise of Classical Education and the Recovery of Greek Wisdom, Victor Davis Hanson/John Heath
The Moral Judgement of the Child, Jean Piaget
The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating, David Buss
The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud
Scattered Minds: The Origins of ADD, Gabor Maté
Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery in Physics, Amir Aczel
The Chatto Book of Dissent, Rosen/Widgery (out of print)
Communists in Harlem during the Depression, Mark Naison
The Great Divide: Second Thoughts on the American Dream, Studs Terkel
White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro 1550-1812, Winthrop Jordan
Black Canadians: A Long Line of Fighters, Headley Tulloch (out of print)
Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America, Ira Berlin
"Exterminate All the Brutes": Africa and the Origins of European Genocide, Sven Lindqvist
Desert Divers, Sven Lindqvist
Man Eaters Motel: An East African Traveler's Nightbook, Denis Boyles
Victorian Anthropology, George Stocking
The Story of England's Hospitals, Courtney Dainton (out of print)
Thomas Becket: Statesman, Soldier, Martyr and Saint, Richard Winston
Creators and Destroyers of the English Navy, Evelyn Berckman (out of print)
The Economic Life of the Ancient World, Jean-Philippe Levy (out of print)
The Visigoths in the Time of Ulfila, E.A. Thompson
Thucydides: Books IV-VIII
A War Like No Other: Athens v. Sparta, Victor Davis Hanson
The Illustrated Guide to Classical Mythology, A.R. Hope Moncrieff
Annals of the Former World, John McPhee
Small is Beautiful, E.F. Schumacher
The Lost Coast: Salmon, Memory and the Death of Wild Culture, Tim Bowling
Grass, Sky, Song: Promise and Peril in the World of Grassland Birds, Trevor Herriot
The Trees Around Us: A Manual of Good Forest Practice for Nova Scotia (very scarce)
Waterfowl Decoys of Southwestern Ontario and the Men Who Made Them, Paul Brisco ($300 online, $60 at Aqua)
Traditions in Wood: A History of Wildfowl Decoys in Canada, ed. Patricia Fleming/Thomas Carpenter
The Creative Impulse: An Introduction to the Arts, Dennis Sporre
Masters of the Arctic (United Nations, 1989)
Art Fundamentals: Basics of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture and Printmaking, Morton Garchik
Building Construction Illustrated, Francis Ching
Perspective in Architectural Drawing, Felix König
The New Grove Mozart, Stanley Sadie (out of print)
On Music and Drama, Richard Wagner
The Kabuki Theatre of Japan, A.C. Scott (out of print)
The Theatre Audition Book, Gerald Lee Ratliff
Audition, Michael Shurtleff
On Method Acting, Edward Dwight Easty (out of print)
Stratford Gold: 50 Years, 50 Stars, 50 Conversations, Richard Ouzounian
Ellen Terry and Her Impersonations, Charles Hiatt
The King and I: Luciano Pavarotti's Rise to Fame, Herbert Breslin/Anne Midgette
Before the Parade Passes By: Gower Champion and the Glorious American Musical, John Anthony Gilvey (out of print)
Ziegfeld: The Time of His Life, Randolph Carter (out of print)
Storytelling: Art and Technique, Augusta Baker/Ellin Greene (out of print)
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, Chris Baldick
The Canadian Oxford Guide to Writing, Kane/Ogden
Wild Mother Dancing: Maternal Narrative in Canadian Literature, Di Brandt (out of print)
The Repeating Island: The Caribbean and the Postmodern Perspective, Antonio Benítez-Rojo (out of print)
Introduction to Tai Chi and Taoist Energy Meditations, Gary Khor Eng Aun (out of print)
Conversations with Seth, Susan Watkins
I'm Going to Have a Little House: The Second Diary of Carolina Maria de Jesus (out of print)
Corvo: Saint or Madman?, Donald Weeks (out of print)
The Quest for Corvo: Genius or Charlatan?, A.J.A. Symons
Climbing the Mountain: My Search for Meaning, Kirk Douglas
It's Bridge, Baby: How to be a Player in Ten Easy Lessons, Jeff Bayone
Angels of Death: Inside the Bikers' Global Crime Empire, William Marsden/Julian Sher
The Road to Hell: How the Biker Gangs are Conquering Canada, William Marsden/Julian Sher
XBX Plan for Physical Fitness (Royal Canadian Air Force)
Smoothies for Life, Chace/Keane
The Man Who Ate Toronto: Memoirs of a Restaurant Lover, James Chatto
The CKY Party Line Cookbook (very scarce, $15)
Landscapes from Manidoo Abi: A Photographic Journey on the Eastside of Lake Winnipeg, Don Sullivan (very scarce, $50)
Kino Delirium: The Films of Guy Maddin, Caelum Vatnsdal
Izzy: The Passionate Life and Turbulent Times of Izzy Asper, Peter C. Newman
Lord Black: The Biography, George Tombs
A Glowing Dream, Roland Penner
As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who was Raised as a Girl, John Colapinto (local history, David Reimer)
A Mennonite in Russia: The Diaries of Jacob D. Epp 1851-1880, ed. Harvey Dyck ($180 online, $60 at Aqua)
Trapping for Profit, Hudson's Bay Company Raw Fur Department (very scarce)

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"It is possible to tell your child too much about sex - more than he really wants to know."

How to Tell Your Children about Sex, Clyde Narramore

Click here for the week of March 1/10

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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