(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
Monty Python Speaks! The Complete Oral History - David Morgan
The Universe, the Gods, and Men: Ancient Greek Myths told by Jean-Pierre Vernant

The Atlas of Experience - Louise Van Swaaij/Jean Klare

A Life in the Bush: Lessons from My Father - Roy MacGregor
Hockey: A People's History - Michael McKinley (out of print)
Encyclopedia of Modern Military Aircraft - Michael Taylor

Claire's Classic American Vegetarian Cooking - Claire Criscuolo (out of print)
Feast: The Best of Yan Can Cook - Martin Yan (out of print)
The Chronicle of Classical Music - Alan Kendall

Uncle Wiggily's Story Book - Howard Garis
Counting Feathers - Al Simmons/Brian Floca (out of print)
Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever

Medusa - Chris Achilleos (out of print)
The Art of Nausicaa (out of print)
Antonio's Girls - Antonio Lopez (out of print)

Magical, Mysterious Lake of the Woods - Heather Robertson/Melinda McCracken
Flipbook: Sheridan Classical Animation Yearbook 2005
Also new this week
Poems for All the Annettes, Al Purdy (out of print)
The Cariboo Horses, Al Purdy (out of print)
The Prairie Bridesmaid, Daria Salamon
A Wall of Light, Edeet Ravel
The Birth House, Ami McKay
Such a Long Journey, Rohinton Mistry
Family Matters, Rohinton Mistry
A Fine Balance, Rohinton Mistry
The Book of Negroes, Lawrence Hill
The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Salman Rushdie
Haroun and the Sea of Stories, Salman Rushdie
Veronika Decides to Die, Paulo Coelho
The Book Thief, Markus Zusak
The Greenlanders, Jane Smiley
Mme Proust and the Kosher Kitchen, Kate Taylor
The Harmony Silk Factory, Tash Aw
Astrid and Veronika, Linda Olsson
The Cruel Stars of the Night, Kjell Eriksson (Sweden, trans.)
Murder on the Leviathan, Boris Akunin (Russia, trans.)
The Game-Players of Titan, Philip K. Dick
The Martian Child, David Gerrold
Justine, Marquis de Sade
Renaissance Drama by Women, ed. Cerasano/Wynne-Davies
The Poetic Edda, trans. by Lee Hollander
The Hardy Boys Detective Handbook
The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis
The Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton
No Man is an Island, Thomas Merton
Contemplative Prayer, Thomas Merton
The Legacy of Michael Sattler, John Howard Yoder
Transformation in Christ, Dietrich von Hildebrand
Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality, Philip Newell
Penguin Dictionary of Religions, ed. John Hinnells
Service of the Heart: A Guide to the Jewish Prayer Book, Evelyn Garfiel
Beyond Civilization: Humanity's Next Great Adventure, Daniel Quinn
You Are, Therefore I Am: A Declaration of Independence, Satish Kumar
An Open Heart, The Dalai Lama
Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sontag
The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, Ernest Jones
The Development of Personality, Jung
Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything, Ervin Laszlo
The Naked Ape Trilogy, Desmond Morris
The Future of Life, Edward Wilson
Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul, Kenneth Miller
Alpha and Omega: The Search for the Beginning and End of the Universe, Charles Seife
Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays, Stephen Hawking
The Expanded Quotable Einstein
Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman! Adventures of a Curious Character, Richard Feynman
The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher, Lewis Thomas
The Medusa and the Snail: More Notes of a Biology Watcher, Lewis Thomas
Lost World: How New Science Is Tracing America's Ice Age Mariners, Tom Koppel
The Classical Greeks, Michael Grant
Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon: son histoire, Jean-Pierre Andrieux (scarce)
Travels with Alice, Calvin Trillin
Polish Customs, Traditions, and Folklore, Sophie Hodorowicz Knab (out of print)
Heritage: The Foundations of Polish Culture, Ignacy Wieniewski(out of print)
The German Defeat in the East: 1944-1945, Samuel Mitcham
Soviet Blitzkrieg: The Battle for White Russia 1944, Walter Dunn (out of print)
From Emperor to Citizen: The Autobiography of Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi
Duplessis, Conrad Black (out of print)
Gandhi: An Autobiography
Tiger: A Biography of Tiger Woods, John Strege
After All, Mary Tyler Moore
Ozzy Knows Best: An Unauthorized Biography, Chris Nickson
Liza with a Z: The Traumas and Triumphs of Liza Minnelli, Michael Freedland (out of print)
Jazz: The Rough Guide, Ian Carr
Cosmopolitan: A Bartender's Life, Toby Cecchini
Unhooked: How Young Women Pursue Sex, Delay Love and Lose at Both, Laura Sessions Stepp
Boomerang Nation: How to Survive Living with Your Parents the Second Time Around, Elina Furman
A New Kind of Party Animal: How the Young Are Redefining Politics as Usual, Michele Mitchell
Miss Manners' Basic Training: Communication, Judith Martin
SAS Survival Guide
3000 Degrees: The True Story of a Deadly Fire and the Men Who Fought It, Sean Flynn
No Angel: My Harrowing Undercover Journey to the Inner Circle of The Hells Angels, Jay Dobyns
Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency, James Bamford
Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Baigent/Leigh/Lincoln
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World, Niall Ferguson
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, Edwin Lefèvre
The Investor's Manifesto, William Bernstein (October 2009)
Great Questions of Canada, ed. Rudyard Griffiths
The Traitor and the Jew: Anti-Semitism and the Delirium of Extremist Right-Wing Nationalism in French Canada from 1929-1939, Esther Delisle
Black Anti-Semitism and Jewish Racism, James Baldwin et al
The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meaning, Jan Harold Brunvand
The Choking Doberman and other "New" Urban Legends, Jan Harold Brunvand
The Mexican Pet: More "New" Urban Legends, Jan Harold Brunvand
Curses, Broiled Again! The Hottest Urban Legends Going, Jan Harold Brunvand
The Baby Train and Other Lusty Urban Legends, Jan Harold Brunvand
On Nature and Language, Noam Chomsky
Show and Tell: New Yorker Profiles, John Lahr (out of print)
Six Words You Never Knew Had Something To Do With Pigs: From Canada's Word Lady, Katherine Barber
Le petit Larousse illustré
The Pleasures of Children's Literature, Perry Nodelman (local author)
Faith and Film: Theological Themes at the Cinema, Bryan Stone
American Indian Design and Decoration, Le Roy Appleton
The Urban Cliff Revolution: The Origins and Evolution of Human Habitats, Larson et al (out of print)
Plague: How Smallpox Devastated Montreal, Michael Bliss
Soilborne Plant Pathogens, George Bruehl (out of print)
Manual of the Grasses of the United States, A.S. Hitchcock (vols 1 and 2)
Wild Plants of the Canadian Prairies, Budd/Best
Farm Weeds of Canada, George Clark (1923, illus., $75 at Burton Lysecki, $35 at Aqua)
Birds of Alberta, Fisher/Acorn
Mountain Bike Maintenance, Rob Van der Plas
Canoeing Manitoba Rivers: Volume 1 South, John Buchanan (scarce)
Tales of the Rails: The Newfoundland Railway 1881-1988, Clayton Cook
Born for the Wild Country: Big Feet and a Mouth to Match, Chilco Choate (out of print)
Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer
My Sister's Brother, Larry Litman (local author, scarce)
Dance Like a Poor Man, Samuel Hofer
I Am Hutterite, Mary-Ann Kirkby
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"Magic with meat in a matter of minutes"
McCall's Casserole Cookbook (1965)
Click here for the week of February 8/10
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