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2010 Aqua Books Lansdowne Prize for Poetry/prix Lansdowne de poésie

On Sunday, April 26/10 at Le Centre culturel franco-manitobain, the Manitoba Writers' Guild and the Association of Manitoba Book Publishers presented the Manitoba Book Awards. The gala was hosted by the University of Winnipeg's Neil Besner. The most important award, of course, was the Aqua Books Lansdowne Prize for Poetry/prix Lansdowne de poésie.

This year's winner:

- Mama Dada: Songs of the Baroness's Dog by Jan Horner, published by Turnstone Press

Jan HornerJan Horner has published three books of poetry and a chapbook. Her first book of poems, Recent Mistakes, (Turnstone, 1988) won the McNally Robinson Manitoba Book of the Year Award. In 2001/2002 she was writer-in-residence at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. Her latest book of poems, Mama Dada, was published by Turnstone Press in 2009. She works as a librarian at the University of Manitoba, is a fan of English football, and is trying to learn German.

The other nominees were:
- La lune en mille gouttes de Bertrand Nayet, publié par Les Éditions David
- From Out of Nowhere by John Toone, published by Turnstone Press

Bertrand NayetNé à Auxerre (France) en 1962, Bertrand Nayet réside à St-Norbert au Manitoba. Il a publié nouvelles, récits et poèmes dans diverses revues et recueils. Il a aussi écrit du théâtre, créé des mises en scène et joué plusieurs rôles pour diverses troupes du Manitoba. Il est l’animateur, un des pères fondateurs et secrétaire perpétuel du Collectif post-néo-rieliste, un regroupement de créateurs franco-manitobains. Il collabore à la programmation du Foyer des Écrivains, la partie francophone du Winnipeg International Writers’ Festival.

John TooneJohn Toone's first collection of poetry, From Out of Nowhere, was published by Turnstone Press in spring 2009. He published two kids' books in fall 2009, Catch That Catfish! and Hope and the Walleye. His poems also appear in the story Sixgun Quixote from the new graphic novel The Imagination Manifesto published by Alchemical Press. John is past president of the Manitoba Writers' Guild.

For the rest of the 2010 winners, click here.

For the 2009 Aqua Lansdowne results, click here.

For more information on the Aqua Books Lansdowne Prize for Poetry/prix Lansdowne de poésie, click here.

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