You are hard-pressed in these days and times to find as comfortable and beautiful a place such as this - Rhae Lynne Redekop, Winnipeg
Christian Week June 2008
[I had to cut and paste this to make it fit, so you need to read down to the picture, and then back up to the top right, and THEN under the pic. Got it?]
Why is there no order form on this site?
At Aqua Books, we put out 500-1000 new books on our shelves every week. If we spent all of our time putting books online and taking them off again, we wouldn't be able to process so many great new titles. If you're looking for something specific, email us. We'll let you know if we have it (or if someone else has it), or we'll keep your name on file until a copy turns up. Or come into the store. It's really quite pleasant.